Friday, October 1, 2010

Is black gold worth more than the lives of animals ?

Nestor Hernandez

The recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico was devastating and caused a lot of damage to the environment as well as the wildlife. Moreover affecting the fishing industry, but who is to blame for the disaster. As the oil spill progressed more animals were being affected by it. The public reaction to the issue was that Oil Company that should respond to the disaster was BP. BP staff ignored that some species could possibly face extinction.
            ABC news had a whole report on how the oil spill was damaging the animals’ habitat.  It was shocking to see these animals struggling to survive. They showed a picture of a pelican with stained feathers standing on a rock. Animals should not be victims of human error. The BP staff lacked of solutions to stop the spill oil and prevent from lasting that long.  They are trying to save the lives of the animals by physically washing off the oil that got on their feathers, but is it enough?
            They are aware of all the calamities that this brought to the wildlife, but can they completely restore the habitat of the animals? As of June 7th, it was reported that 189 sea turtles, 12 dolphins and 23 birds had already died (Los Angeles Times). These creatures did not have to die because of the stupidity of the oil companies. They only care about generating profits so they can get richer. Today they are probably more worried about all the millions that they lost than trying to speed up the process to save the lives of these animals that are still at risk of dying. Many animals died, they can’t undo what is been done. So hopefully they will do what they said they would do to improve the environment of these creatures.  BP and all other oil companies have to come up with a more strategic plan to deal and prevent this type of disaster.  These incidents are unpredictable but preventable. In case another oil spill occurs, the people involved in it, should focus more on the damage that it would bring to the wildlife.  If they are not prepared to deal with an oil spill, more animals have to go through the same vexed situation.
It is also important to point out that the oil spill has affected the lives of those people who make a living out of fishing. The shrimp sales went down dramatically .no one wants to buy seafood that might be contaminated. Some of them went out of business. Experts claim that it will take a considerable amount of time for the water to clear up (New York Times, Jun 2).  Meanwhile they have to find a way to make money because they have been fishing all of their lives.
Thanks to the intensive coverage of the media on the issue got more people involved. It helped them to become more aware of what is happening to the environment and the animals living in it.  People could protest against the oil companies involved in the disaster, maybe this could help prevent animals death toll from rising. As for the oil companies, our planet is deteriorating slowly and it is up to us human to protect it not destroying it. 


  1. Oh no not the animals!!!!!!I am an amimal lover...!!!!!Do you know that most people dont even know that if the animal's behavior dictitates what will most like happen to all humans? If the animals start dying it mess up with the life cycle, beaces onces the little fish die the big ficsh have nothing to pray on and then they eventaully become a libality to human's. Another large contributer to the decline of amimlas is Global Warming, many of the polar bars in the Artic are dying beacuse the ice is melting and that is how there survive. Buit more on to your topic you are very right we must save the amimals if we the humans hope to survive.

  2. Nobody except environmentalist will protest against oil companies because they need the oil to survive. But you are right. Humans are so selfish. They only care about themselves. Im all for eating meat to survive. But killing an animal for profot is inhuman (fur, oil spill) But of course BP doesnt care. I mean they let it spill for 3 freakin months. And of course the goverment did not give a crap about it. It could not have come at a worse time with all the recession.

  3. This oil spill really was a devastation to our nation. Like you pointed out so much wildlife was killed and it did take such a long time for BP to fix the situation. I don't really know though how much faster they could have moved. They were dealing with something that was beyond their control; and of course while it is their responsibility, this type of accident could have happened to any oil company. I'm sure there was no intention to kill so much wildlife on their part, or for the spill to make such a mess. Can you put blame on Louisiana for not building houses fast enough? NO, because like the oil spill, situations like these become overwhelming and out of human control.
    As far as the fisherman go, this I'm sure this will put these people back so far, financially, especially in such a terrible economic time.
    (FYI - there are multiple grammar issues & needs proofreading)

  4. This topic is very important because it helps bring awareness to how human error can affect the lives of animals. This kind of stuff happens all the time but because it is on a small scale, there is no media coverage of it. It is scary to think that oil companies could allow something like this to happen, and only actually do something about it with government pressure. This topic is also essential in noticing the trickle down effect, how one little mistake can effect a vast population of animals as well as the economy of fisherman.

  5. You have a compelling, high-profile topic here that clearly interests people, which is good. What I think you need to work on now is making the media and media coverage a more significant part of the post. Part of that will also include clarifying your argument somewhat. Toward the beginning you say the public hasn't paid much attention to this issue, and later you write: "The media should have more involvement on the matter, by reporting on the issue daily so it will get more people interested." But it seems to me that the media gave a tremendous amount of coverage to the oil spill, and the pictures of oil-soaked birds were everywhere in the press. Also, throughout your post you refer to news articles on this topic, which also seems to undermine your claim that the media did not give it any attention. Additionally, you should provide links here to some of the articles and examples of coverage that you are talking about, or further information that relates, as that is one of the benefits of the blog format.

  6. These kinds of disasters are possible because the big corporations are controlling the world! Do some quick research on Wikipedia about BP and you will learn that this monster company has more than a hundred environmental violations, tens of casualties and very few fines by the EPA. This has to stop! The only way we could do this is by staying informed and hungry for new green, smarter alternatives. I believe we can make a difference!
    Aureliana Salerno
